Friday 9 June 2017

Magic Unicorn

The main character tries to sell a stolen bike to a stranger. Another character walks past with a unicorn which can shoot rainbows out of its horn. The first seller then tries to big his bike up by saying, for example, it has twin engines. The boy with the unicorn increases his selling pitch claiming his unicorn can fly. He ends up walking away with the unicorn and the potential buyer also walks away without buying the unicorn or the bike.
This was really funny because it reminded of myself because when I try to sell a bike I exaggerate so much to get a lot of money for it. Although it has a unicorn in it is true to life. None of the characters show amazement at seeing a unicorn. They keep very straight, almost bored, faces.
It only has 3 characters, is set in an alleyway, off an ordinary street. The unicorn is just a white horse with a horn stuck on so it would be quite easy to make.

What made this short successful was the original but believable idea. It worked being short because it was all about the conversation – there was no plot needed as to what had happened before or afterwards.

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