Monday 3 July 2017

The Pre-Production Process

The Pre-Production Process

The types of moving image production (media forms):

The type of production that we produced was a 90-second short film for Depict, in our group we come up with this idea the girl hides this necklace in the girl’s bag next to her. Unfortanly for the girl that receives the necklace is given more than just the necklace she is given an evil spirit with it.  So the type of moving image production for are group was a horror and scary short film. The way we distributed our film was through YouTube, there are many of other ways you can distribute a film through the professional industry. Professional films could be distributed through the box office and from this; there can be a large profit. Some production company's release films straight to DVD; they can then avoid the theatrical window and save money on promoting the film.  The types of moving image products are films, TV shows these can be found on TV channels or in websites.

The finance and sources of funding for moving image:

 Films normally have a budget, especially big films with lots of cast and crew. Most film have to pay for the equipment, the actors, customs etc. The people who create films will need to get funding from somewhere but where would they get founding from well so film makes get founding from websites were they are donated money towards the film websites such as Kick starter. Those people who had helped by investing in the production will normally ask for a small amount/percentage of the profit made from the film.

The requirements for any production:

 The money that is given for the film will/ would be spent on things like  equipment but also things that need to be paid for such as Video cameras, special effects, props and costumes, lighting, sounds, music etc. for our depict film we didn’t have any cost involved,  as it was all filmed and acted out by our group but also we used/ made our own props.


In a low budget short, you would not have many people, as you wouldn’t be able to afford to pay for everything so you would have people paying more than one part in the film, as you would have someone doing the hair, make-up and costumes. Then you would have someone doing the storyboard but also editing the film.


Most film productions have deadlines that they have to meet; these deadlines are given so that the film can be distributed on time. In addition, if these deadlines are not meet then people can lose their job but also there is a chance that money could be lost. Unfortanly in our group we didn’t meet the deadline due to people messing around and not working well as a team but we finally got the film done and completed.


In most films or moving image productions the Equipment and props are rented or made especially for the film/ moving image. In our depicted product, we managed to get everything needed for the film from the college and the props were borrowed from friends in the classroom.  


In most films/ moving image productions their needs to be location recess are used to scout out a place to film, they can eliminate any danger when you are filming. The location releases give you permission to film in that area and it covers the landowners for any damages. We chose to film in East Norfolk Sixth Form College as it were we all go but also as it, meant we didn’t have to travel to any places and waste time.

Legal issues:

When you film in areas where many people have access too, you have many legal issues to consider. You could be filming an action scene where you have to use a gun, even if it is fake, you would have to alert the police and the people in the surrounding areas to what is going on. That is where the location recess and release forms come in. however; Copyright is also a big part of the legal issues, as you need permission to use certain music, products etc. You can pay for the rights to music so you can then use it in your production. For our production, we used a song, which was copyright free.

Trade unions and trade associations:

A trade union is a group of workers who form together to achieve the same common goal. This goal is normally something along the lines of helping to protect the integrity of a trade or helping to improve safety standards. Some examples of trade unions are:
  • ·          Artists' Union England
  • ·          National Society for Education in Art & Design
  • ·          Employees United
  • ·          FDA
  • ·          Writers Guild of Great Britain

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