Wednesday 30 November 2016

The Necklace

My Evaluation on The Necklace Our task was to create a 90 second short film to be entered in the depict website. In our group there were 4 of us. We came up with an idea that a girl finds a necklace planted in her bag. From this necklace she finds it holds a weird and strange things happen to her. My roles in this were to film the video but also do some editing on Adobe Premiere Po CC 2014 and worked on the story board. I feel that my roles were great but there were some problems in the group that I worked with and that is no one really put any effort into the task we had. But most of the time we worked well as a group and finally finished in the time frame we had. I feel that in my group we had a good interesting story line/plot as it works very well and also was a great idea as it’s not like anything I’ve seen before. However, in my group I was not happy with some of the shots in the filming as they do not flow the way they should, there are jumps from scene to scene. To improve this, we could have faded scenes in or put a text on the screen saying, for example, ‘Five minutes later…’ But also there were some continuity errors: the main character wore mostly the same outfit but in the last 2 shots she was wearing something different. To make sure this doesn’t happen again, the actor could have made a note of what she was wearing on Day 1 (e.g. photo on phone). In our group there were some big issues which were people not turning up to the class, planning and making decisions together and not having the props needed. This meant we had to keep redoing things and the filming took 4 lessons instead of 2 lessons. This meant we were then behind with follow-up work. We also had technical difficulties with the camera and computer but also the uploading of the video. On the other hand, the main actor played her role well because she took the assignment seriously and focused on getting the task completed in time. Also, the camera was positioned effectively for most of the shots. We tried several options to make sure it was put in the right place and because of this I feel it worked very well and the short film couldn’t have gone any better. In our short film we had a range of props which made the story more understandable and fun to watch and due to this I am extremely happy with how the short film has turned out.

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